Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dear Blog 2

Dear Blog,
Last night all of my roommates went to the movies, although I was invited I didn't feel like going to the movies again for the second night in a row. Instead I stayed home and watched "Daniels Daughter" on netflix (thanks heavens for netflix!) and then at ten I decided to go rollerblading around campus by myself. There have been two rapes this semester at EA but I figured I was safe because mostly everyone is gone seeing summer has started for everyone except for Cosmetology students. So I strapped on my blades and grabbed my pepper spray and headed out for another grand adventure. With the campus being empty it was pretty peaceful. I love the feel of summer air, it has such a magical feeling... that makes you feel like you could live in that moment forever, I love it! While I was blading I kept wishing that there was someone that was left here in this lame town that would be my friend for the summer, sometimes imaginary friends just don't cut it. Then I spotted a man! A real man! Sitting on the side walk, looking lonely, and looking at his cell phone! Then I started getting nervous and almost turned around so I didn't have to pass him! Can you imagine? Me... Being shy??? I know... Weird right? I almost slapped myself! So I forced myself to keep going and I very quietly said "Hi" and he said "Hows it going?".... I wanted so badly to be like "Its not! Its Thatcher... What are you doing???" but I couldn't.... I just bladed away.... I lost the chance to make a friend! I'm so disappointed with myself, I just keep hoping that I run into him again so I don't get too lonely here the month I'm alone here by myself.
I came home and started looking for a book to read. The first book I found was called "Growing Up: Gospel Answers About Maturation and Sex." It was a book my roommate Wendy for last semester let me borrow because my innocence and oblivious of everything.... So of course I had to read it because I have never looked at it... It was some what interesting.... It was designed for 10 to 15 year olds..... I prayed no one would come home while I was reading this... It would have added to thew awkwardness.
At 11:30 I climbed into bed, putting on a movie to fall asleep to when ALL OF A SUDDEN....My bed room door popped open, and my name was being whispering my name... I started screaming! My roommate Shelby had just gotten home and thought she was hilarious! We were both on our "time of the month" and started talking about how we were craving pizza. Shelby then whipped out her phone and called Domino's, who surprisingly they are open until 1 in the morning!!! We hurried over there before midnight and they gave us one medium pepperoni and one large happy Hawaiian pizza for ten dollars! It was awesome! We went home and had a party! Shelby, Robert, Heather, Corrine, Jared and I watched THE OFFICE and ate pizza!!! We went to bed t almost three in the morning after lots of laughter and hilarious jokes from the comedian Office characters! .....It was a great night!!! :)


uhoh_42` said...

Britney! This is Alice, You did my hair for my date that ryan proposed to me at. Ive been dying for someone to go rollerblading with! you must go with me! and ill be here all summer too. so text me! 928-551-3442

Alicia Baker said...

AHHH!!! I've always wanted to look at that book!! But I was too embarrassed to ever ask. Now I'll be all confused...